IJRRA ISSN: 2349-7688 is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary and fully refereed journal oriented on the fact "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives". It is an international scientific journal that endeavors to donate for continuous scientific research and training, so as to promote research in multiple fields.
Study of Doubly Fed Induction Generator Characteristics
Pardeep Kumar, Rajesh Choudhary
Optical Character Recognition with Neural Network
Analysis and Design of High Speed Low Power Comparator in ADC
Yogesh Kumar
Image Registration Using PC-Sift-Firefly Optimization
Neha Arora, Akhilesh Bhardwaj
A study on Addendum length of a micro gear in wire electrical discharge machining based on Taguchi method
Rinku Yadav, Jitendra Kumar, Arshad Noor Siddiquee
Treatability Study for Castor Oil Unit
Ms. Seema A. Nihalani
Sexual behaviour and sexually transmitted infections among married couples seeking care at STD clinic of a Government Hospital, Chennai, India
Thilakavathi Subramanian, Robert Schilling, P. Kamaraj, A.K. Mathai, V. Selvaraj, V. S. Dorairaj and Sanjay Mehendale
Experimental Study of Ultrasonically Assisted Turning of AISI52100 Based On Taguchi Method
Poonam Rajput, Arshad Noor Siddiquee, Ramkumar Sharma
Work- Life Balance of Faculty Members in Autonomous Colleges
Ms. A. Meharaj
Enhancing Fault Tolerance and Rerouting Strategies in Mpls Networks
Pooja, Khushboo Yadav
A Stochastic model with Routine Inspection, Maintenance and Replacement
Shruti Rani
Impact of Media Trends for Social Science Research – A Case Study on Perceptions of Researchers
Dr.Nalla Bhaskar
Producer Companies in Madhya Pradesh: An Evaluative Study
Swati Chauhan
Study of Risks affecting Renewable Energy Financing
Prof SushmaVerma, Dr. Kishor N Jagtap
HIV prevalence and Risk factors on STIs and AIDS, in Female Sex Workers of Ellapuram Panchayat Union, Tamil Nadu
Thilakavathi Subramanian, V. Periannan and Sanjay Mehendale
Adsorption of chromium trivalent cationon surface of zirconium oxide
Najeeb Ullah, Muhammad Salim, Sajid javid, Asad Ali Mustafa, Abdul Jabbar
Inhabitation of Leishmania Arginase PDB 1T5F by using Pharmacophore
Najeeb Ullah, Muhammad rafiq, Muhammad sajid, Abdul Jabbar, Musadiq Ibrahim
A study on the contemporary propulsion techniques based on their applications on the Earth – A Review
Shubham Cheema, Jitendra Kumar
Thermal characteristics of boron nitride filled epoxy composites
Arohi Mathur, Amit Kumar Yadav, Dr. A.K.Rai
Low frequency oscillation in power system: a survey
Ishan Sethi, Kamal Kumar Sharma, Shekhar Verma
Slums in Haryana: A Geographical Study
Mrs. Minakshi
Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environmental Challenges
Mrs. Minakshi
Proposing Efficient Approach to Improve Integrity Checking in Cloud Data Security
Dr. Vivek Jaglan
Detection of Object using coloring scheme
Akshat Agrawal
Implementation of OFDM based Transreciever for IEEE 802.11A on FPGA
Anju, Amit Ahlawat
Contemporary Developments in Payments System in India
Rajnish Jindal
Mergers & Acquisitions : More Failures than Successes
Rajnish Jindal
Big Data for Websites
Shilpa Kukreja
Importance of Physical Fitness in Human Development
Dr. Manoj Goel
Work Stress: A Literature Review
Dr. Rajender Kumar
Matrimonial Dispute Resolution Process: A Comparative Approach
Dr. N. Krishna Kumar