IJRRA ISSN: 2349-7688 is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary and fully refereed journal oriented on the fact "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives". It is an international scientific journal that endeavors to donate for continuous scientific research and training, so as to promote research in multiple fields.
Urban Plantation UAV
Nishant Tiwari
Biomedical application of smart materials- An Overview
Sathish kumar Natarajan
Balraj Saini
Efficient Way of Web Development Using Python and Flask
Vangala Rama Vyshnavi, Amit Malik
Degradation of Tendu leaf Extract using Pleurotus djamor
K. Parani and M.Sivasankari
Artificial Neural Network based Performance examination in Image Classification
Manjeet Kaur
A Study On Brand Equity Dimensions In Marketing For Air Conditioner With Reference To Electronic And Appliance Industry In Chennai City
A. Appu, Mohammed Yousuf khan A
Accessing the Effectiveness of E-Newspaper among Professionals with Special Reference to the Daily Newspapers in Chennai Region: An Empirical Study
A. Appu, Barkathullah.K.A
A Study on Event Management Services and Audience Perception towards Entertainment Industry in Modern Chennai City
Nishat Parveen, Mohamed Meeran Muawin .k
Urban Plantation UAVEmployee Attrition and Retention Strategy as Modern HR Tool for Construction Industry in South Chennai Region: An Analytical Study
M. Riaz Ahmed, Mohamed Nihar.K
Ensuring Good Health and Well Being Among the Employees at Work Place in IT Companies in Chennai City -An Analytical Study
W. Shabeena Shah, A. Rumana Parvenu
A Study on the Customer Retention Strategy and Its Practices With Reference To Four Wheeler Industry in Chennai City
T.A.M. Hameed Kan, N. Mohamed Nasheel
A Study on Training Need Analysis and Work Performance of Employees at Health Care Sector In Chennai District
Dr. B.Saipriya, A.Mohan Priya
Employee Retention Policies: An Experimental Analysis On Of Selected Organized Retailers with Special Reference to Chennai City, Tamilnadu
Dr. B.Latha Lavanya, Misba Midhat Syeda
A Study on Buying Behavior Pattern and Insight of Generation Z towards Unisex Bikes in Chennai Region
Dr. S. G. Balaji, Mohammed Yasin. I
A Study on Digital Banking System and Measuring Its Effectiveness among the Customers in Chennai City
D.Charumathi, Ameer Rezal.A
An Analysis of Customer Perception and Service Quality of Retail Banks with Special Reference to SBI
S. Sumiya, Vignesh. N
Implication of Artificial Intelligence in Software Development Life Cycle: A state of the art review
P.C. Harish Padmanaban, Dr. Yogesh Kumar Sharma
Delegation of Legislative Power: A Compulsory Necessity
Dr. N. Krishna Kumar
A comparative study of educational problems of secondary school students studying in Government and private schools of Chandigarh
Dr. Kiranjit Kaur